Renault TRIBER AMT: A Wise Decision That Changed My Life!


That evening was just too much for me.  

I had been driving for over three hours to cover a stretch of just 15 kms to reach home from work. My car was absolutely fine, and I even started on time, but the traffic on the road that day was outrageous. Halfway through the journey, I learned that the authorities had closed one key road for some metro construction work, and that it would remain shut for the next six months! My heart sank.

Sitting helpless, irritated, and tired in my car, I was managing my clutch, brake, and gear continuously as the traffic was crawling at a snail’s pace. I couldn’t leave any of the three unattended as I would then be blocking the cars behind me.

That’s when I saw my old classmate sitting in the car next to me. I rolled down my window and said “Hi” to him. He too seemed pleasantly surprised to see me as we had mostly chatted over the phone and had not met in person for quite some time now.

I learned that he was driving for over 5 hours now as he had gone out of town for some work and now was on his way back home. Once inside the city, we both had spent almost the same time crawling in the traffic, but unlike me, he looked fresh as a daisy.

We chatted with our windows down for almost 15 minutes and then finally at one junction parted ways and all this while I had this bewildered look on my face. I was confused as to how can someone remain so fresh even after driving for 5 hours on a highway and then close to 2 hours in city traffic?

When I reached home, I was close to being dead. Just before retiring to bed, I checked the messages on my phone and saw a message that probably was going to change my life. It was from the same friend who met me in the traffic jam earlier. It simply read “Go AMT”. These two simple words changed my life thereafter.

I was anyway planning to upgrade from my 7-year-old hatchback. Recently my colleague had bought the new Renault Triber AMT which I had liked.

So, the next day, I took my wife and kids to test drive the Renault Triber AMT at a dealership near me. As I had already seen the car, I asked the sales representative to explain the car details to my wife and kids while I finished the paperwork.

From the moment we left the showroom, my wife and kids were over the moon about the Renault TRIBER AMT. They were floored with the space inside the car. In fact, they had planned weekend short trips for the entire year by the time we reached home. I was reduced to a mere ordinary driver who would drive them around places!

True to its name, the Renault Triber AMT not only eased my driving effort but more importantly reduced my stress levels greatly. Now every time I reach my home or office, I don’t bicker about the traffic, I talk about things that are important and matter the most.

But the greatest joy that my Renault TRIBER AMT has given me is seeing my kids having a gala time in the back of my car. With my Renault Triber AMT’s modular seating arrangement, I remove the last rows and fold up the middle row. This gives me a huge space inside my car which is big enough for my small family to have a great time entertaining themselves while I continue to chauffeur them to picnic destinations around my city every weekend.

The next time I met this same old friend with my Renault TRIBER AMT and he messaged me two simple words that evening “Wise decision”.

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